Serving our US Military, Disabled & Homeless Veterans, and Those in Need
In The News
​   Villages Parrot Heads Support Our Veterans for the Holidays

On December 7th Pearl Harbor Day, The Parrot Head Club of The Villages paid a special tribute to our Veterans by making a surprise donation to Project SOS. 
A check for $2,000 was presented to Project SOS-Support Our Soldiers, Inc. to be used to brighten the holiday by providing food, shelter, warm clothing, and even some toys for the children of our homeless veterans and their families living in the poverty. In addition, a portion will be used to help provide a college scholarship to the child of a veteran who served this country with courage , dignity, and honor.
This donation from the Parrot Head Club will change lives, and we are very grateful.
US Army Ranger Receives Wheelchair
 Several months ago we met with US Army Ranger Don Wheeler and his wife Michelle regarding a news article that featured Don receiving a pin honoring his service from Paul Farineau as part of the Hospice Program "Cornerstone Salutes". I visited with Don and his wife for several hours to see if he had any immediate needs that Project SOS - Support Our Soldiers, Inc. could assist with. Don told us that he wished that he could get out of the house and into the sunshine to go to visit his friends and neighbors, but his heart was becoming weaker he just did not have the strength.

  It just so happened that a few weeks ago Project SOS had a brand new motorized wheelchair donated by Mrs. Linda Sorensen and she wanted it to go to a veteran here in The Villages. Today all that came to pass, and I had the honor of delivering Don's new wheelchair with the help of Paul Farineau, Art Iversen along with another member of the Korean War Veterans, and Mrs Linda Sorensen. When we arrived at his home the garage door slowly opened and there Don sat in his Army Ranger hat, wearing his Ranger pins and patches, and behind him was the US Army Ranger Flag. It just doesn't get any better then that. Don started to smile when he saw his new wheelchair and never stopped smiling as he rode around the driveway and the street in the sunshine. His wish came true and all of us were thrilled beyond words. Here are some pictures from presentation for you to enjoy. Unfortunately, Don passed away in December 2013. He left this world with dignity and honor. He will be missed.

A recent article in the written by Jane Bloom points out the Project SOS is REALLY making a difference in the Tri-County area.
Click HERE to read article.